PDF⋙ Chinese Kites Stained Glass Coloring Book (Dover Design Stained Glass Coloring Book) by Marty Noble

Chinese Kites Stained Glass Coloring Book (Dover Design Stained Glass Coloring Book) by Marty Noble

Chinese Kites Stained Glass Coloring Book (Dover Design Stained Glass Coloring Book)

Chinese Kites Stained Glass Coloring Book (Dover Design Stained Glass Coloring Book) by Marty Noble PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The intricate designs in this unique coloring book reflect traditional imagery from China ― where kites originated more than 2,000 years ago. Originally used in the military to send signals to troops, kites were made of silk and bamboo. In the last thousand years since paper was invented, kites have been used as a pleasant pastime and to ward off bad luck. Many of the images bear symbolic meanings: flowers stand for harmony, cranes signify long life, dragons represent prosperity. Color with crayons or markers, hold up to a window, and they're ready to glow! 16 black-and-white illustrations.

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