PDF⋙ Microscopic Expressions of Spirituality - A Walk of Subtleness on the Road of Fractals by Flo Li
Microscopic Expressions of Spirituality - A Walk of Subtleness on the Road of Fractals by Flo Li
Microscopic Expressions of Spirituality - A Walk of Subtleness on the Road of Fractals by Flo Li PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
"Microscopic Expressions of Spirituality - a walk of subtleness on the road of fractals" is an explosive expression of wisdom when the beauty of art meets the logic of science to create the depth of meaning. On the Surface, we can all enjoy the breathtaking colors and shapes of these delicate fractals. Within the depth beyond words and shapes, the soulful spirituality within each of us inspires to unite with the infinite divine. Read, Listen, and LOVE!--from the outside back cover.From reader reviews:
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