PDF⋙ The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media by Francois Gossieaux, Ed Moran
The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media by Francois Gossieaux, Ed Moran
The Hyper-Social Organization: Eclipse Your Competition by Leveraging Social Media by Francois Gossieaux, Ed Moran PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The definitive, maximum-impact guide to using the transformative power of social media as the ultimate competitive advantage
About the Book
In The Hyper-Social Company, Ed Moran of Deloitte and Francois Goissieaux of BeelineLabs identify how (and which) social media are fundamentally changing core business processes and the way businesses and customers interact. These changes are being driven by what the authors call the “Hyper-Social Shift.”
Through interviews with more than 500 companies and studies of social media, Moran and Goissieaux have gained radical new insights into the advantages many businesses have derived from new technologies and practices. From these findings, the authors have developed self-analysis tools—including the Hyper-Sociality Index (HSI) profiled in this book—that leaders and mangers can use to assess their enterprise’s Hyper-Sociality; pinpoint which parts of their organization are ready to make the leap; and benchmark their progress against competitors, or against their industry as a whole.
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