Beyond the Qumran Community: The Sectarian Movement of the Dead Sea Scrolls by John J. Collins
Beyond the Qumran Community: The Sectarian Movement of the Dead Sea Scrolls by John J. Collins PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
With the full publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls, fresh analysis of the evidence presented can be — and indeed, should be — made. Beyond the Qumran Community does just that, reaching a surprising conclusion: the sect described in the Dead Sea Scrolls developed later than has usually been supposed and was never confi ned to the site of Qumran. / John J. Collins here deconstructs “the Qumran community” and shows that the sectarian documents actually come from a text spread throughout the land. He examines the Community Rule, or Yahad, and considers the Teacher of Righteousness, a pivotal fi gure in the Essene movement. After examining the available evidence, Collins concludes that it is, in fact, overwhelmingly likely that the site of Qumran housed merely a single settlement of a very widespread movement.From reader reviews:
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