PDF⋙ A Meeting Planner's Guide to Catered Events by Patti J. Shock, John M. Stefanelli

A Meeting Planner's Guide to Catered Events by Patti J. Shock, John M. Stefanelli

A Meeting Planner's Guide to Catered Events

A Meeting Planner's Guide to Catered Events by Patti J. Shock, John M. Stefanelli PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Food and beverage is the largest portion of a meeting budget, but most meeting and event planners have no formal background in purchasing and managing this expense. This guide helps event, meeting, and convention planners save money, negotiate contracts, deal with catering managers, and successfully manage the food and beverage aspect of their event. Covering everything from styles of service to on-premise and off-premise considerations to food and beverage contract negotiation, this book is a comprehensive and accessible reference for event planners and students.

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