PDF⋙ Believing Bigger: A 31- Day Faith Journey by Dr Shante Bishop

Believing Bigger: A 31- Day Faith Journey by Dr Shante Bishop

Believing Bigger: A 31- Day Faith Journey

Believing Bigger: A 31- Day Faith Journey by Dr Shante Bishop PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"I LOVE! LOVE! LOVED This! It's so relevant and the conversational tone makes it easily accessible for all. I enjoyed it. I felt convicted..and I can't wait to share this at my church!" Rev. Tishaunda McPherson, JD "Absolutely Phenomenal! Inspiring! Accessible! I was ready to pull out my journal and answer the questions at the end of the devotion. Dr. Shante' did an AWESOME job!" Dr. Stephanie Horton All things are possible to them that believe. The question is, what do you believe? Life has a way of making you forget that God has already promised you the victory. The pain of broken relationships, money woes, business flops, or health challenges can make us lose sight of the fact that we are equipped with every tool to win life's battles. Instead of grieving the loss of the life you thought you were going to have... or pretending that all is well on Facebook, when the truth is you’ve given up hope, you can Believe Bigger. Believing Bigger is a 31-day spiritual journey that will help you: • Fall back in love with yourself, God’s truth, and reignite the fire to live victoriously • Refocus your energy on what’s right instead of stressing about what’s wrong • Silence fear and self-doubt to boldly go after your dreams • Heal old wounds; understand their purpose, and their role in God’s greater plan for your life • Accept losses without losing yourself Through personal confessions, real-stories, tough questions, and daily journal prompts, Believing Bigger will help you grow stronger, bolder, and more resilient. Dr. Shante Bishop, widely known for her life-changing podcast, Branding for Believers, steps from behind the microphone and into the author’s chair to take readers on a powerful, challenging, uplifting journey to strengthen their faith in seven key areas: Identity, Obedience, Trust, Handling Difficult People, Vision, Planning and Wealth. Each daily devotion ends with challenge questions and journal prompts that will help you identify faith blockers and unlock God's ability to work on your behalf. Believing Bigger offers an accessible, action-based, guide to life changing faith.

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