The Supple Body: The Way to Fitness, Strength, and Flexibility by Sara Black
The Supple Body: The Way to Fitness, Strength, and Flexibility by Sara Black PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
We all long for a fit body, one that is strong, flexible and firm...a body that's supple. Through a program of gentle exercise, "The Supple Body" guides you to that strength and flexibility. Drawn from a variety of Eastern and Western disciplines--including yoga, t'ai chi, and sports medicine--the simple stretching exercises in "The Supple Body" work together to help you achieve both physical well-being and inner relaxation. Easy-to-follow routines target specific areas, such as the back or the face, that most absorb tension, and exercise plans of ten, twenty, and thirty minutes make it easy to incorporate the program into even the busiest schedule. Striking photographs, enhanced by a beautiful design, take you step-by-step through each exercise, making "The Supple Body" a must for any wellness program.From reader reviews:
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