Advanced Neuroradiology Cases: Challenge Your Knowledge
Advanced Neuroradiology Cases: Challenge Your Knowledge PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Featuring atypical cases and focusing on advanced imaging techniques, this book presents a compilation of unusual CNS pathologies with characteristic imaging findings. The aim is to aid the speedy diagnosis of otherwise rarely encountered clinical conditions and improve patient care. Presented as more than 130 real cases with extensive imaging description and step-by-step guidelines on how to diagnose individual pathologies, each scenario is backed by the most up-to-date literature available. The cases include some of the most recently described clinical conditions. The case-based format and description of each clinical journey encourages readers to engage with the diagnostic process and facilitates self-study. This book is for any radiologist who practices neuroradiology, neuroradiology fellows, neuroimaging fellows, practicing neurologist and neurology residents.From reader reviews:
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