The Spy and the Priest: Which Way to Heaven? by Blayney Colmore
The Spy and the Priest: Which Way to Heaven? by Blayney Colmore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Max and Andy bonded as adolescents, 7th through 10th grades. It may have been early childhood trauma that made them recognize each other as kindred spirits. Or it may have been their picture of the world, a few degrees off center from mainstream. After 10th grade their lives diverged. Fifty years took them in directions presumed to separate them by an unbridgeable chasm. What a surprise when they met again as old men, drawn to each other as they had been as boys.
Their friendship, unlike either had experienced since, required exploring those disparate 50 years. Andy the priest, Max the spy.
"Friends forever," Andy said, "hooked together by our weird take on our weird jobs."
There are major bumps in the road to this new chapter in their friendship. When they discover someone they each knew, but in very different circumstances, it makes them wonder if they can trust each other.
The Spy and The Priest; Which Way to Heaven?, explores fragile friendship among men of high achievement. The compromises, the betrayals, the suspicions that power requires, test whether this friendship, a late-life treasure neither was aware of seeking, is worth the risk.
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