PDF⋙ Conceptual Shape Optimization of Entry Vehicles: Applied to Capsules and Winged Fuselage Vehicles (Springer Aerospace Technology) by Dominic Dirkx, Erwin Mooij

Conceptual Shape Optimization of Entry Vehicles: Applied to Capsules and Winged Fuselage Vehicles (Springer Aerospace Technology) by Dominic Dirkx, Erwin Mooij

Conceptual Shape Optimization of Entry Vehicles: Applied to Capsules and Winged Fuselage Vehicles (Springer Aerospace Technology)

Conceptual Shape Optimization of Entry Vehicles: Applied to Capsules and Winged Fuselage Vehicles (Springer Aerospace Technology) by Dominic Dirkx, Erwin Mooij PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book covers the parameterization of entry capsules, including Apollo capsules and planetary probes, and winged entry vehicles such as the Space Shuttle and lifting bodies. The aerodynamic modelling is based on a variety of panel methods that take shadowing into account, and it has been validated with flight and wind tunnel data of Apollo and the Space Shuttle. The shape optimization is combined with constrained trajectory analysis, and the multi-objective approach provides the engineer with a Pareto front of optimal shapes.

The method detailed in Conceptual Shape Optimization of Entry Vehicles is straightforward, and the output gives the engineer insight in the effect of shape variations on trajectory performance. All applied models and algorithms used are explained in detail, allowing for reconstructing the design tool to the researcher’s requirements.

Conceptual Shape Optimization of Entry Vehicles will be of interest to both researchers and graduate students in the field of aerospace engineering, and to practitioners within the aerospace industry.

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