PDF⋙ Introduction to Computer Security by Michael Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia

Introduction to Computer Security by Michael Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia

Introduction to Computer Security

Introduction to Computer Security by Michael Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Introduction to Computer Security is a new Computer Security textbook for a new generation of IT professionals. It is ideal for computer-security courses that are taught at the undergraduate level and that have as their sole prerequisites an introductory computer science sequence (e.g., CS 1/CS 2).


Unlike most other computer security textbooks available today, Introduction to Computer Security, 1e does NOT focus on the mathematical and computational foundations of security, and it does not assume an extensive background in computer science. Instead it looks at the systems, technology, management, and policy side of security, and offers students fundamental security concepts and a working knowledge of threats and countermeasures with “just-enough” background in computer science. The result is a presentation of the material that is accessible to students of all levels.

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