PDF⋙ Weakness: Ethan's Novella (Holding On) (Volume 3) by Rachael Brownell

Weakness: Ethan's Novella (Holding On) (Volume 3) by Rachael Brownell

Weakness: Ethan's Novella (Holding On) (Volume 3)

Weakness: Ethan's Novella (Holding On) (Volume 3) by Rachael Brownell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Book 3 in the Holding On series
"I promise to love you until the day I die. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you, and I've never stopped loving you. That's what I can promise you, that's all I can promise you."
Ethan fell in love with Becca fast and he fell hard. When he walked away he was sure that he lost her. When Natalie died, he was given a second chance. When he found out Becca was pregnant, his life took on a whole new meaning. 
But life isn't as perfect as it seems. Even though Ethan has always been honest with Becca, there is one thing that he's never told her. 
His secret comes to light as the final chapter of their story is told through Ethan's eyes.

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