Revenant (Descendants Saga) (Volume 3) by James Somers
Revenant (Descendants Saga) (Volume 3) by James Somers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Lucifer's plan to have his son rule has not been deterred by the conflicts raging among the Descendants and humans. In fact, they have only brought him closer to that goal. As Brody and Oliver and their allies remain a step behind Grayson Stone and the Descendants serving him, new plans emerge that preclude much more than his desire for British power. Stone intends to control all nations, using the United States as his new power base. However, in order to accomplish his goals, Grayson will have to go beyond what he's ever done before and join with Lucifer to become one. Together they bring more of the Fallen from Tartarus, powerful entities that have lost none of their potency in that prison. Once unleashed, these malevolent spirits leave chaos and destruction in their wake. If Brody can survive long enough he may be able to undo what's happened...that is, if Grayson's new assassin doesn't end him first.From reader reviews:
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