PDF⋙ 500 Earrings: New Directions in Contemporary Jewelry (500 Series) by Lark

500 Earrings: New Directions in Contemporary Jewelry (500 Series) by Lark

500 Earrings: New Directions in Contemporary Jewelry (500 Series)

500 Earrings: New Directions in Contemporary Jewelry (500 Series) by Lark PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Poring through the beautiful images in this exquisite gallery of earrings is like stepping inside a jewelry store filled with remarkable pieces from the finest contemporary jewelers. Juried by award-winning designer Alan Revere, the earrings range from the classic to the avant-garde, and come from an international array of artists, including Cynthia Eid, Rachelle Thiewes, and Jeff and Susan Wise. Their materials include not only traditional gold, sterling silver, copper, and wire, but also more unusual items such as glass, plastic, porcelain, and paper. The earrings are forged, soldered, chased, and cast, with surface embellishments that run the gamut from enamel and metal foils to patinas and inlay. Expert jewelers, students, artists, and everyone who appreciates fine craftsmanship will enjoy this collection.

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