PDF⋙ Introduction to Mineralogy by William D. Nesse

Introduction to Mineralogy by William D. Nesse

Introduction to Mineralogy

Introduction to Mineralogy by William D. Nesse PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Introduction to Mineralogy, Third Edition, consolidates much of the material now covered in traditional mineralogy and optical mineralogy courses and focuses on describing minerals within their geologic context. Presenting the important traditional content of mineralogy--including crystallography, chemical bonding, controls on mineral structure, mineral stability, and crystal growth--it provides students with a foundation for understanding the nature and occurrence of minerals.


Describes in detail physical, optical, and X-ray powder diffraction techniques of mineral study

Outlines common chemical analytical methods

Provides thorough descriptions of more than 100 common minerals, emphasizing the geologic contexts within which they occur

Includes tables and diagrams that help students identify minerals using both physical and optical properties

Incorporates numerous line drawings, photographs, and photomicrographs that elucidate complex concepts

Introduction to Mineralogy can be packaged with Daniel Schulze's An Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section for use in your course for a nominal additional fee.

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