PDF⋙ Musical Theatre: A Workbook by David Henson, Kenneth Pickering

Musical Theatre: A Workbook by David Henson, Kenneth Pickering

Musical Theatre: A Workbook

Musical Theatre: A Workbook by David Henson, Kenneth Pickering PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This unique workbook is your companion to Musical Theatre training, guiding you through the entire process of preparing material for performance. Blending practical advice with essential historical and theoretical information, this book will help you develop the key skills needed to move easily between acting, singing and dancing. It includes:

• vocal and physical exercises
• tasks to help approach scripts and vocal scores
• a summary of the origins, development and multiple forms of Musical Theatre
• research activities and questions
• a glossary of key terms

Lively and accessible, Musical Theatre: A Workbook will be invaluable throughout your course or career in this ever-growing field of performance.

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